Sunday, September 13, 2009

Talking to Mommy!

Here is a video clip of Callie "talking" with Mommy. She is getting really talkative! We had a great weekend at home with the family! We thought in honor of the Eagles first win, we would do a comparison of Callie with her bib. The first picture was taken March 22 and the second one was taken today! What a difference 5 1/2 months make...we thank God for our miracle every day!


  1. love it- especially the outfit ;) I'm so happy to see her so happy!!

  2. Hooray Callie... boo Eagles. :) What an amazing turnaround - from so teeny tiny to a growing and healthy little princess. Well done Costello's... all three of you!

    Phil and Delyza

  3. Go, Eagles, Go! :) We all wear our Eagles outfits for each game too. What a difference a few months makes! That sweet Callie is such an answer to so many people's prayers. Hopefully we can get together with you guys SOMETIME. We haven't seen Callie since her 2-pound days!
    Merry Jo for the Reck clan :)

  4. I really enjoy that "comparison" photos. It's an amazing picture of her progress.

    Happy 7 Months Callie.


  5. Callie,

    I am so glad you have grown so much in the past few months and that you are still growing every day. It is so great to see that every day you are learning something new!

    I miss you and can't wait to see you again to see how much bigger you are!

    Aunt Britty

  6. WOW!!! that comparison is crazy!! Callie sounds so cute! I grew up in PA, I am allowed to say Go Eagles! Just don't tell Aaron!

    Amy, Aaron,Camden and Ailyn

  7. You're not the only one thanking God for Callie's health :)
    She's a big, beautiful girl!

  8. Thank you for your sweet comment! Started reading back and what a story your little has! She is beautiful and looks healthy as ever. What a miracle!

  9. Oh Marci, that short clip is priceless; she looks & sounds like she is progressing wonderfully. I'm so happy for you 3. Linda @ UCSA
