We have had another busy, but exciting month!! You may have noticed the March of Dimes ticker at the side of our blog. We have again decided to do the Walk for Babies for Team Callie May this year. We are extremely honored that our family was chosen as a Mission Family and Mommy will get to speak about her miracle baby at the annual kick off next Wednesday! We are just hoping Mommy can make it through without too many tears!

Our little girl is as happy as ever! And she is getting more and more talkative everyday. She is starting to say bigger words and stringing multiple words together! She loves to play, and Daddy is trying to get her started early with her golf skills.

Maryland was hit with a few snow storms over the last few weeks. We even had a snow day where Callie was able to go sledding with her friend Ashley!

Eating remains our greatest struggle. She is starting to try a few more foods, but still has her few favorites, including french fries!! We plan on having a serious talk with her Pediatrician at her 2 year appointment just to see if there is anything else we can be doing to help Callie put on a few pounds!!
great pictures. I can't believe how much she's changed since Christmas! Love Ya!