As many of you know, we have had quite a week! Over last weekend, Callie got very sick and ended up in the emergency room at St. Joe's. Callie was diagnosed with RSV (http://www.cdc.gov/rsv/). She ended up in the hospital through Wednesday afternoon. RSV is a virus, so there wasn't much the doctors could do except monitor her Oxygen and give her supplemental Oxygen when necessary and strengthen her with IV streroids. The days were better almost immediately, but when she would fall asleep, her Oxygen levels would drop and we would start the countdown to go home again.

Once we got home, our little girl was back to her normal self...well actually, she eats more and talks more, it is great! Especially, her new favorite food-french fries!
Before Callie's hospital visit, she had the opportunity to reconnect with her preemie friend, Ailyn, at a March of Dimes event. It was so great to have the girls together again!

Callie is repeating EVERYTHING we say! She is also starting to say her ABC's and other songs and nursery rhymes. We really can't believe how quickly it is all coming together.