Monday, January 18, 2010

Standing Tall

Callie continues to impress us every day-and night! I am writing this (at 11pm) as she is standing, yes standing, next to me clapping her hands! She loves to pull herself to standing, but still hasn't crawled...although she gets closer daily! She also loves to babble...she is discovering all different types of sounds that she can make. We are loving the weather this week and have gotten out on walks almost every day! Callie is now such a big girl that she sits facing out!

She had her synagis shot today and weighed in at 17 lbs 3 oz.


  1. one more milestone! hooray!


  2. Love the look in the picture of her on the piano!! Priceless!

    Keep up the good work.

    Love you lots,
    GA April

  3. go Callie!!!! You and Ailyn amaze me!!! Keep up the great work!

    Aaron, Amy, Camden and Ailyn

  4. Grammi had such a fun weekend with you. I miss you sweet pea! Can't wait to see you again. Love you lots and lots.

  5. GO CALLIE! I am so happy that you are making so much progress.... I can't believe that you have a birthday coming up soon. Lots of Hugs,
    Gunn Family

  6. Oh my goodness gracious! So big! She's going to catch up to Gabriel soon. What are you feeding that child? :) Tremendous news that she's standing by herself. So exciting! Good work Marci and Lee.

    The Howards
