Saturday, January 30, 2010

Little Miss Personality

Callie is developing quite the little personality. We have been having issues transitioning Callie to solid foods. Some days she would do great, and on other days, she would simply refuse, and most days she just wanted to do it herself. After discussing this with several people, from the pediatrician's office to Infants and Toddlers, and getting different advice from everyone-based on a recommendation from the Developmental Pediatrician, we decided to have her evaluated by an Occupational Therapist to make sure that there were any oral issues from her time on the ventillator (this can occur in preemies). After a few minutes with Callie, the OT confirmed what we already knew, Callie has a mind of her own and the feeding issue is completely behavioral. So, at least we know there are no physical barriers holding us we just have to adjust the behavior. It is a process, but we can already see improvements!We also believe our Princess has a future in acting...the Video above is of her fake cry. You can see her wimper and then stop to see if we are reacting...too funny!

In other news, Callie is starting to finally crawl! We really thought she would walk first as she is getting really comfortable on her feet, but over the weekend, she started to crawl short distances. We know it is a matter of days until she is motoring all over the house!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Standing Tall

Callie continues to impress us every day-and night! I am writing this (at 11pm) as she is standing, yes standing, next to me clapping her hands! She loves to pull herself to standing, but still hasn't crawled...although she gets closer daily! She also loves to babble...she is discovering all different types of sounds that she can make. We are loving the weather this week and have gotten out on walks almost every day! Callie is now such a big girl that she sits facing out!

She had her synagis shot today and weighed in at 17 lbs 3 oz.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Our Big Girl

Here are some fun pictures of our growing girl. She is getting more playful and active every day! Eating has gotten very interesting...Callie wants to be in constant control!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year-a little late!

Happy New Year everyone! Sorry for the delay in posting, it has been a busy week. We first wanted to take the chance to thank everyone again for all of your love and support in 2o09. While it was one of the most difficult years of our lives, it was also the best. We are so blessed to have such a wonderful daughter. She continues to amaze us everyday. We plan on continuing with the blog in 2010, so that those who are interested, can continue to follow Callie's progress!
The last week has been an exciting one...on New Year's Day, Callie said her first word, "Mama"!! It was the sweetest thing! And she said it twice in front of Mommy, Daddy and Grammi, it was amazing! Callie also has learned to clap. She isn't isn't fully clapping yet with open hands, but she does this partially open hand clap whenever you "yeah" or praise her. Sometimes, she will even do it before you prompt her...she is a smart girl and knows when she has done something to impress us!!