We have had an extremely busy week, both medically and personally! First the medical updates...

Callie had an appointment with her eye doctor last week at Johns Hopkins. Her ROP (Retinopothy of Prematurity) has corrected itself, but Callie now has Strabismus, or a lazy eye. This is can be common in both preemies and full term babies. The good news is that Callie has full muscle capabilities in both eyes, she is just favoring her right eye. So, the Doctor is having us patch her good eye one time a day for an hour in the hopes that she will start using the left eye more. If this doesn't improve over the next four months, we are most likely looking at surgery again. We are praying the patching works, we would just hate for her to have to go through surgery again!

The other big appointment of the week was with the Developmental Pediatrician at Hopkins. This was a follow up from three months ago and they were extremely pleased to see how far Callie has come. It is still to early for the doctors to give an official prognosis, but she feels safe that Callie will become an independent adult. Callie is still at high risk for having learning disabilities, but not to any greater degree than any other baby. Physically, she still has some stiff muscles, but it doesn't appear to be limiting her as she is starting to pull to stand already! We will continue to work on her muscles daily with stretches. The Doctors are confident that Callie has a great future ahead of her (we already knew this :)) but it is amazing to hear it from the experts!

In fun news, Callie experienced her first major snow storm this weekend when Maryland was pounded with 22 inches of snow. We decided to take her outside briefly and see what she thought of the snow...of course, she loved it! Over the weekend, Callie also had her first Christmas with two of her her Aunts and her Oma (Lee's Mom). And she also had her first bath in the big girl tub with Mommy! Fun times!!
Great pictures! I look at them with great amazement, realizing what you said an entry or 2 ago "She is really a toddler now"! This is an exciting thought as I take a few minutes to remember her last 9 months. She is closing in on the one year mark and it's marvelous to see all that the three of you have accomplished. I'm proud of you all. It is very nice to have the affirmation from the experts for the things you already know. She will be a wonderful young person with more people who love her than most could imagine. I love you guys with my whole heart. Have the Happiest holiday ever....you deserve it!
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ReplyDeleteOh and one more thing... she has the most beautiful blue eyes!
ReplyDeleteHappy happy happy baby. Happy AND healthy, what a perfect combination. Taking a look at the last picture above, that about sums it all up, doesn't it? We hope you are having a wonderful 1st Christmas season with your little princess.
ReplyDeleteLots of hugs, much love, Merry Christmas, ho ho ho,
Phil, Delyza, Leah and Gabriel
I hope you have a great first Christmas Callie! Wish we could be there with you.
Aunt Britty
Great update! Did you see a doctor at Kennedy K.? I know they are affiliated with Hopkins. We LOVE our Dev.Ped. there.
ReplyDeleteCallie looks amazing and seems to be doing so well with her milestones. You and Lee have done so great with her.
We are going through the same thing with Ailyn's eyes. She favors the right too :). I hope they both don't have to go through another surgery.
Merry Christmas!!
Amy,Aaron,Camden and Ailyn
ReplyDeleteThis is wonderful news. But not surprising. Our little girl has proven time and time again that she is a fighter! She is an inspiration for all of us.
Sending you all lots of hugs and kisses.
GA April