Callie has had a couple of great weeks in a row! Medically, she has seen her Pediatrician for her 9 month check up. Her doctor was very happy with her progress. She is on the full term baby growth chart for weight, hanging out at about the 5th percentile and she is almost on the chart for height. She is closer than last time, so the doctor is happy! Callie also saw her Neurosurgeon. We had been seeing him every 3 months and he was so pleased, he doesn't want to see her again for 6 months! Her shunt is still at the lowest setting (highest resistance to flow), so he is pleased!

Developmentally, Callie continues to progress. She sits for long periods of times, is working on crawling and standing, and loves to play! We were commenting the other day that she is out of the "Infant Stage". When she is awake, she now likes to be entertained. Whether with toys, music or reading, she likes to stay busy!! We also made the big move last weekend to her crib in her own room! I think this was hardest on Mommy...but Callie seems to love it!! The picture above is her looking out at us through the crib!
In other news, Callie's Aunt Calise has moved in! We are so proud of Aunt Calise for graduating from Penn State! Now she is going to spend the next semester with us being Callie's full time Nanny! We couldn't be more thrilled!!