Today marks the 2nd World Prematurity Day. Ever since our precious Callie was born 16 weeks early, prematurity awareness has been something very near to our hearts.
We look at our miracle every day in amazement. She has defied all odds, endured 6 surgeries, spent 6 weeks on a ventilator, and had to be resuscitated more times than Mommy can bare to remember. We thank God and her amazing Doctors and Nurses every day for the blessings and care she received.
After Callie came home from the hospital, we decided we needed to do more to help other families and babies in need and decided to become active with the March of Dimes.
Mommy has been actively involved as a Mission Mom with the March of Dimes, which is the worlds leading organization in raising money and awareness for Mother's and babies. Without their research, we know our amazing little girl wouldn't be here today.
The Mission is working! For the 5th consecutive year, the premature birth rate has dropped in the United States, but we still rank 131st in the world with 1 in 8 babies born too early-this is WAY too high!
So, today we wear purple in honor of our Miracle and so many of her preemie friends and in memory of those that are no longer with us-we carry your memory in our heart every day.
For our blog post today, I decided to post pictures of Callie in purple through the last three years. I still choke up looking at these pictures. But as you can see, even from the first picture of Callie in purple when she was 6 weeks old...she is a fighter!
So please join us in wearing purple today and sharing Callie's story and the story of too many babies that have to suffer every day to simply survive.