So...I know that we have been very behind in updates...but that is a good thing! Callie has had an amazing spring!!
Callie has spent a lot of time with family. She loves every second with family-whether it was at Grammi's wedding, the beach, or just lounging around in Maryland.

Since the weather has been beautiful lately, Callie has been wanting to spend a lot of time outside, and especially in the pool! She would stay in the pool all day if we let her! She even got to spend some quality pool time with her friends Carter and Travis!!
This spring, Callie also started gymnastics. We were hoping it might give her a little more balance and it may be working. Regardless, she loves her Tumblebee's class and is doing it again next session!!

The bigggest news this Spring is that Callie was officially released from Infants & Toddlers. This was a very difficult tranisiton for us, as they have taken such great care of Callie over the last three years. We know that she is doing well, but it was nice to have an extra set of eyes on her a couple of times each month! But they insisted that since she was meeting all of her 3 year old milestones and most of her 3 1/2 milestones, they couldn't continue to support her.
This was from her final report, "I understand your apprehension about Callie's services ending because of everything she has been through, but since her skills are age appropriate and she has no delays at this point, I am going to have to end her special education service. We have to look at her ability to manage her educational environment and right now she is doing very well in the classroom setting. Callie is using her words to express her wants and needs, as well as to protest and ask questions. Some of her cognitive skills are even above her age level. When I observe her in the classroom now, she fits right in with the other children. She is following the rules and routines of the new classroom well and she is not afraid to speak up if something has upset her."

As you can imagine, this brought me to tears! This is the amazing little lady we were told would never walk or function normally! Take that prematurity!!!