As always, life is crazy at the Costello house. Before the Holidays officially start, we wanted to update the blog with some recent pictures of Callie. We were lucky to have a lot of family time in Novemeber, so here are pictures from our trips to Canton, Burlington and Thanksgiving weekend!

Fall school picture!

Cal playing with Grandpa!

Cal with her Grams!

Cal and Pa snuggling!

Kisses with Great Grandpa Jones!

Great Grandma Jones and Callie!

Kisses with Grampi!

Puzzletime with Jack!

Watching Mickey Mouse with Auntie Kim!

Riding her horse Callamia!

Meeting Callamia!

Cal and her Grandma!

Cal and Pa!

Callie meeting Asher for the first time!

Cal reading to Ash!

and holding Ash! (he wasn't too thrilled!)

Callie playing outside with Uncle Alex!

Fishy faces with Mommom!

Cal and her Poppop!

Costello girls!

Callie and Oma walking Riley!

Playing with Aunt Brenna!

Upside down Callie!

Big girl Callie!!