I am sorry we have been so bad at updating lately, but life has been busy! Our beautiful little girl is as active as ever!!

We try to be outside as much as we can, but the weather this month has been challenging with all of the rain! It is fun to watch Callie in our neighborhood. The big girls that used to come and want to look at her when she was a baby, now come and play with her. Callie loves to do somersaults with them! She really looks up to them, it is so cute to watch!!
Callie has made a few trips to Ocean City this summer...she absolutely loves the beach!! She loves to roll around in the sand and run right into the ocean! She has no fear, which scares us a little!!

We have also made fun trips to the zoo and Inner Harbor, all of which Callie loves to do!!
Callie had her first Grocery shopping experience with her own cart this summer! She now refuses to sit in Mommy's cart and demands to push her own! It is adorable, but can make a quick trip to the store extremely long!!

Callie had her first official haircut this summer! She was such a big girl sitting in the chair! The only thing she didn't like is having her arms restricted by the drape.

Callie's eating habits are still a struggle for us, but she is definitely eating more and has come off of the failure to thrive diagnosis, which means no more weigh in's with her Pediatrician! The picture above was taken after her first haircut when Mommy took her to Buffalo Wild Wings. Callie had one of her favorite meals, chicken wings!! And yes, that is her trying to drink the blue cheese!!

Callie moved up to the Giraffe room at school with the bigger kids. So far, she seems to be doing well! The kids are great with her, but she is still a lot smaller. She is a little quieter than her friends, but the teachers are working with her to give her time to answer and participate with the other kids. She is just building her confidence. It is so amazing for me to walk in to her classroom in the afternoon and see her sitting in a circle with the other kids...it seams like such a simple thing, but to see her keeping up with kids her age just warms my heart!

Infants and Toddlers started up again for the school year and Callie has a new teacher. We are really going to miss Ms Sue...she has been such a blessing for Callie and our family. I know the new teacher will be just as helpful!

As part of this school year, Callie is also starting out with some speech therapy/evaluations. She qualifies for six sessions, and they will be working on her strictly at school. Callie talks up a storm at home, but tends to be much quieter at school. A big part of what they are working with her on is communicating effectively in that type of setting. Again, this just plays into her shyness at school and hope as her confidence builds, this will also improve!

As part of this school year, Callie is also starting out with some speech therapy/evaluations. She qualifies for six sessions, and they will be working on her strictly at school. Callie talks up a storm at home, but tends to be much quieter at school. A big part of what they are working with her on is communicating effectively in that type of setting. Again, this just plays into her shyness at school and hope as her confidence builds, this will also improve!