Over the past couple of weeks, Callie has had most of her major follow-up appointments. Most of them tend to be on the 6 month rotation!! In all of them, Callie impressed the doctors, nurses and as always, us, in how far she has come!!

Callie had her second Dentist appointment and the they were happy with her teeth! Callie wasn't thrilled with the appointment, but all in all it was a success!

Callie also had her follow-up with her Opthamologist. We informed him of a little drifting that we are seeing when Callie is tired or not focusing. He was also able to see this, but said since she was able to focus and move them together, we would just watch them over the next 6 months.

Neurosurgery was very happy with Callie's progress. These are still one of Mommy's favorite follow-ups because they are always so amazed at how far she has come! It is so great to see a once somber man lighten up when talking about our daughter! They said they don't want to see her again for 9 months and will do a MRI at that point since they haven't done any scans in over two years.
Callie's final appointment during the last month was with the Developmental Pediatrician. The fellow at the appointment could not believe that Callie had had the brain bleeds that she had at birth. He actually looked in her chart, because he had never seen a baby with that severe of a bleed do so well. This is the same baby they once told us would never walk or function "normally"-well....look at her now!!! Across the board, Callie tested at least at her adjusted age while scattering well above her actual age in other categories. The other exciting news was that Callie has made it back on the growth charts for her actual age at the 1%!!

On the weekends, we continue to spend most of our time in the pool, either lessons or the kiddie pool in our backyard. Callie continues to love spending as much time in the pool as she can! At her lessons, the instructor uses Callie for all of the demonstrations since she is so comfortable now in the water!! And every morning, Callie continues to ask us to go to the pool and if we say no, then we at least have to show her a video of herself playing in it!! We think she may be a swimmer some day!

Last week, Callie had her NICU Grad Party at Johns Hopkins. It was so nice to catch up with all of the wonderful Doctors and Nurses that took such great care of Callie during her months there. We know part of why she is doing so well is all of the love and attention they gave her! Below is a picture of Callie and her Primary Nurse Mary, we love you!!

Callie continues to develop her personality every day!! Below is a picture of her stealing Mommy's spot in bed! She thought she was hysterical!! Her vocabulary continues to grow every day and she is talking in complete sentences. Her new thing is to commentate everything that she does...it is too cute!!

Callie continues to develop her personality every day!! Below is a picture of her stealing Mommy's spot in bed! She thought she was hysterical!! Her vocabulary continues to grow every day and she is talking in complete sentences. Her new thing is to commentate everything that she does...it is too cute!!
School continues to go well! The picture below was taken when they did Old Time photos at school! The summer is filled with fun activities at Goddard, like Spash Days and Moon Bounces. Callie falls in between two groups of kids at her school. At the beginning of summer, they gave us the option to move her up with the older kids or keep her down with the younger kids. Callie had been doing really well developmentaly with the older kids, but was extremely shy with them. With the younger kids, Callie really becomes a leader and lets her personality shine. We decided, with her teachers, that they best thing for Callie for the summer is to let her develop her social skills with the younger kids and move up at the end of summer.