With less than a week left until the annual March of Dimes walk in Harford County, we thought we would take a minute to write just a little bit about what this organization means to us.
As you know, our Callie was born extremely premature at only 24 weeks gestation. She weighed 1 lb 5.3 oz and barely survived. When Callie was released from the Hospital, Lee and I decided that we needed to do something to give back and we found the March of Dimes. 
We were so blessed that Callie was able to receive such amazing medical care and a lot of the treatments she received were due to the research done by the March of Dimes. But babies are still born early every day and this research needs to continue. That is why we are so passionate about the March of Dimes.
Last year we were one of the top family teams for our fundraising efforts and are hoping to do the same this year! This year, our family was selected as the Mission Family for Harford county. Mommy has already gotten to speak on multiple occasions about our miracle baby Callie and the March of Dimes. There are always tears in the audience when they hear how scary Callie's beginning was and joy when they see the feisty little two year old that she has become.
We rasie money for the March of Dimes so that one day all babies will be born healthy. Thank you to all of you that support our Team each year. Every dollar we raise will help support this great cause! If you are still interested in donating for this years March and Team Callie May, you still have until the 16th!