Callie has officially entered the phase lovingly called, the "terrible two's!" She loves to test her boundries and is very fond of the word "NO!!!!" When she doesn't get what she wants, she typically resorts to a meltdown of fake tears. It is tough to hold our ground, but we know it is better for everyone in the long run! As you can see from the picture below, she is also finding her way around (or under) the gates we have up to keep her play area restricted! Thanks to her dog, Bryson, for chewing holes big enough for her to crawl through.

Mommy and Aunt Calise have started working out on occasion and Callie loves to run over and grab the little dumbells, squat, jumping jacks, and sit ups! She isn't really doing them, but it is hysterical to watch her try and immitate us!

Callie had her ear tubes put in last week to help fight her recurring ear infections. She was such a brave girl (as always!!) and was out of the Hospital and back to her normal self within two hours of surgery. We are so thankful to the wonderful doctors and nurses that took such great care of her. We are hoping that these tubes will help keep Callie healthy so that we can focus on growing!!

Callie is also starting to communicate more and more. Not only can she repeat us and recite things like her ABC's, but she can count to 10 and talk in complete thoughts. We are so impressed with the little girl that she is becoming.