Callie has had a great first month at daycare. It is so great to see her with her new friends and participating in new activities. Our fridge is already starting to fill up with her artwork. Her early intervention teacher and Physical Therapist have been going to school to work with her. At one evaluation, they commented that if they didn't know Callie was a preemie, they wouldn't be able to pick her out of her room. It is so great to hear and see that she is doing everything developmentally with her friends. Additionally, they decided to reduce her PT to one time per month. I am glad they are going to continue to work with her, but at this point, they feel she is doing everything she should be doing in regards to gross motor skills.
Callie's new favorite activity is climbing into things. From the pictures you can see that she had fun climbing into her baby doll's stroller. She climbs into everything, from boxes to her dresser drawers! It is very cute!
We were just informed that Callie was approved for Synagis shots again this winter. It is the vaccination for RSV, which can be particularly harmful to preemie lungs. We were able to keep her healthy last season, but we are concerned with all of the germs that she is being exposed to at school, so any extra protection is welcomed. She is still on the small size for weight, but since she is still meeting her developmental milestones, they haven't become too concerned. We do continue to supplement with Pedisure to make sure she is getting enough calories and nutrients. Callie also saw her eye doctor recently. He increased her "patch" time to two hours per day, but believes surgery is inevitable. As of now, it is scheduled for December. As much as we dread another surgery, we really want this corrected before it starts affecting her vision.
Callie also continues to love music. She loves to dance to music and even loves to do the Hokey Pokey. She also is enjoying playing the piano more. It is wonderful to see her get so excited!!
We are also starting to manage Callie's growing attitude. She is quick to throw a little tantrum and we are working to have her calm down and "use her words." She also likes to throw things as you will see from this video of her with our DVD's (we did tell her that this isn't okay, but needed to get it on video first!!)