It has been a beautiful week here in Maryland! Callie was able to get a lot of play time outside! We have a tent that we set up on our back deck so that she can get fresh air but not be out in the sun...she seams to like it! .jpg)

She also got to ride the swings for the first time with Mommy!
Callie had a follow up appointment this week with the Developmental Pediatrician at Johns Hopkins! They were so impressed with our girl! It was really neat becuase the Fellow that worked with her, was actually one of the Fellow's that treated her when she was in the NICU last year. It was great for her to see the amazing progress that Callie has made! Overall, the appointment was very positive! For a preemie, she is in the 75% for both weight and height. For a full-term baby, she is in the 5% for both. Either way, she is on the chart and we are all thrilled! The Doctors were all amazed at how well Callie played and interacted. They kept commenting on how intelligent Callie is...which made Mommy and Daddy very happy! The only negative was that she still hasn't said "DaDa". She is communicating well, otherwise, but this was the only milestone she was behind on. The Pediatrician didn't seem concerned. Currently, she is 9 months Adjusted Age and they consider her to be 10-11 months for all other areas of development.